Science tells us there is no objective reality.
I can give you links if you need them, but I suspect you don’t. I am writing about this right now, so please indulge me.
I witnessd a hit-and-run accident. I said the car was one color, a witness standing next to me swore it was a different color. We argued for awhile and now I wonder if it wasn’t two different colors as there was no motivation for either of us to lie.
Experiments confirm you and I can both view the same event, and experience different results and yet both of us would be correct. Further, it is proven that our past experience alters how we see and we don’t have the same visual experience of the same event. Just based on differences on biology alone, no one shares a reality.
Academic philosophers object to this theory of reality because they feel it absolves us of moral responsibility.
There is no consensus on anything. Our experience of the world takes place in our brain that interprets the data and fools us into thinking we are experiencing the world “out there.” Even if we reach a consensus, that does not mean we have found the truth. Even if we did manage to reach a consensus and it was indeed the truth, that does not mean it wouldn’t change five minutes from now. Our experience of the universe is severely limited. We are not quite sure about gravity at this point.
So while the extent of the differences is up for debate, we cannot agree on what is real because there is no way to objectively verify anything. Even if there was, it may only be for you and not me. You have no idea if that holds true in my universe.
Each of us has a consciousness that creates our own reality.
So there is no way to know if I experience death when I die in your reality. Even the act of your observation of my death would be different than mine own.
Quantum immortality suggests you might experience my death, I might simply move to a timeline where I survive until no more possible futures exist for me.
Is the Amazon burning in your reality?