Why CEOs Need a Ghostwriter and How to Hire One

Shelly Fagan
5 min readNov 30, 2019
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Few executives know about this secret arrangement with writers. Even if you haven’t published a book (yet), you probably need a professional writer.

Most ghostwriting is done under a shroud of secrecy even though no one believes Michelle Obama or Donald Trump wrote their bestseller. Celebrities sell their name first, the actual story is almost superfluous. When the public learns the words were written by a contracted ghostwriter, the knowledge ruins the illusion.

Those outside the public spotlight need ghostwriters for an entirely different reason. It is not only books that are authored by professional writers, but columns, blog posts, articles, scripts, and speeches.

Many executives who are accomplished wordsmiths hire ghostwriters due to their busy work schedules. By utilizing the services of someone like me, they have a finished product they can modify, reserving their talents for quickly polishing before hitting send. It is no different than presenting a client with a proposal developed by their marketing team.

I spend at least an hour of research and another five hours writing a 1,000-word article. Most CEOs simply don’t have that block of time in their schedule or the passion for the written word. I have the luxury of research, editing, proofreading, and simply thinking about the…



Shelly Fagan
Shelly Fagan

Written by Shelly Fagan

Complicated subjects made accessible. Politics, Basic Income, Philosophy. I follow back.

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