Future me may have performed every possible action at some time, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they did it inside this particular simulation. This simulation may be just one timeline or reality tunnel available to them. All those other choices may be outside it or no longer available due to earlier choices.
Again, this could be like a video game where I have found a magical gem to make me invisible. The next play of the game, it may not be available. It may only exist in this simulation. Just because it could potentially exist does not necessarily make it an option available to that particular player.
A potential or possible outcome does not mean it can be chosen. For instance, I may have chosen to delete my story before you read and commented. I cannot from here choose that possibility. It WAS a potential choice which is no longer available. So while the potential to not know Marma did exist, that choice is not available to me.
While every potential option may exist, that doesn’t mean it is available to me right now. Or every potential action may be possible in this universe, but that does not mean in this simulation there aren’t limits.
You can’t apply rules of the universe to this simulation because we don’t know if it is a closed system.