Christians don’t believe their own propaganda. Not really.
If you truly thought you were saved, if you truly believed that this was the path to how you spend an eternity, and you are a follower of Jesus’s teachings, you would gladly give up all your worldly belongings and lovingly and kindly serve the poor everywhere. You wouldn’t pursue a career, because it would be empty and hollow. You would trust the Lord to provide.
Think about that for a moment. If you had eternity covered, you would find little satisfaction in chasing wealth or fame in your earthly existence.
With so many churches in America, no one should be poor, hungry, homeless or lonely. Christians should be fighting for opportunity to serve their fellow man. Instead, they serve people far away, those they can assure to keep at an arms length. Then they oppose immigration.
But religion has become a social club, a place to network, a way to feel better about yourself. It is all about you and your “relationship" with someone in another realm. They do not see God all around them. They do not recognize the spiritual poverty in our world, how suffering is built into the human existence, how everyone needs something more than becoming a member of their club.
Living the way Christ taught would be the greatest recruitment tool.
Every moment of every day is an opportunity to be kind, to be charitable, to offer hope, to give. And if 1/10th of people actually lived their beliefs, we could create heaven on earth.